Information technology performs the key role in the development not just the business itself, but also for the assurance that its strategic objectives are not in a risk by IT failures. Risk with business associated with IT/IS changes are increasingly a big issue on the business IT failure.
What are the risks? Since it plays such a significant part in most project approaches and functions, business personnel must think of some possible risk associated in IS change.
An expense risk happens when there are some transactions to be made and the company fails to provide enough funds to support the investment made in IT.
Access or Security Risk, in many countries, it is required by law that the personal data must be kept private. Due to the increase demand of IT and change in IS in most businesses, revealing of personal data is such a big risk for it will be available to those without appropriate authority which will turn out to loss of privacy.
Integrity Risk happens when some data are not anymore reliable for the reason that they are incomplete and not accurate. In this day and age, we are experiencing this kind of problem through internet. I have heard lots of rumors that information in internet now is not anymore reliable. The reliability of information in IT is such a great menace for it causes IT failure.
An infrastructure risk takes place when the organization does not have enough IT infrastructure and systems that can efficiently support the needs of the business. Changes in information technology can also be the cause of system failure which results to damage in business development.
Project ownership risk occur when a company choose to change some of its strategies in IT/IS business plans and the future business IT project fails to meet its objectives through lack of liability and assurance and due to the new IT business approaches.
In changing business approaches especially in IS/IT, we need to deem some lists of risks and established some possible actions to this menace. We need to fully identify and know all information that needs to be protected and managed. Implement controls to cover the missing areas that expose the organization to a high level of risk.
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Thursday, July 24, 2008
risks associated with business and IS/IT change..
Sunday, July 20, 2008
barriers in information technology
Advances in information technologies have helped business processes simple. In spite of the rapid growth potential of information technology there are still obstacles to the wide spread development of the society. One of the biggest impediments on information system and technology are the ff.:
..shortage of computing infrastructure
..declining budgets and rising cost
..lack of knowledge in the use of information technology.
Infrastructure is the very important framework of any information organization. Effective Information access and use depends on communication facilities such as telephones, Internet, fax, computers, as well as an adequate supply of electricity. Computer literacy is almost non-existent in primary and secondary education. It is very much limited in colleges and universities due to shortage of skilled human resources and computing infrastructure.
Faced with declining budget and increasing demand from users, information system is finding it difficult to acquire the needs of the user that can meet such demand. There are number of cost for users in obtaining access to information. Many people cannot afford to travel from one place to another to obtain such information. Poor people are sometimes those who can’t gain information because of poverty.
Sometimes, we tend to forget the genuine function of the information in the internet. Lack of knowledge on how to use information technology can hinder our way to development in information technology.
Staff attitude toward user is also one of the hindrances in the development in information system. Quality of service depends on quality of staff. When information system head and its staffs fail to make adequate use of their knowledge and skills, access to information and performance is affected.
Information technology alone is just merely a tool which is a substitute for the needs of the development not just in information technology but in the way we live life as well. It is built to meet all our needs. Most of the obstacles which we believe stands in our way are just illusions. As a competent people we are bound to create ways to make a one good step in taking away these hindrances that blocks our way to success.
Therefore, the challenge is not only to use technology to foster development, but to transfer the knowledge, skills and competencies to use it.
..shortage of computing infrastructure
..declining budgets and rising cost
..lack of knowledge in the use of information technology.
Infrastructure is the very important framework of any information organization. Effective Information access and use depends on communication facilities such as telephones, Internet, fax, computers, as well as an adequate supply of electricity. Computer literacy is almost non-existent in primary and secondary education. It is very much limited in colleges and universities due to shortage of skilled human resources and computing infrastructure.
Faced with declining budget and increasing demand from users, information system is finding it difficult to acquire the needs of the user that can meet such demand. There are number of cost for users in obtaining access to information. Many people cannot afford to travel from one place to another to obtain such information. Poor people are sometimes those who can’t gain information because of poverty.
Sometimes, we tend to forget the genuine function of the information in the internet. Lack of knowledge on how to use information technology can hinder our way to development in information technology.
Staff attitude toward user is also one of the hindrances in the development in information system. Quality of service depends on quality of staff. When information system head and its staffs fail to make adequate use of their knowledge and skills, access to information and performance is affected.
Information technology alone is just merely a tool which is a substitute for the needs of the development not just in information technology but in the way we live life as well. It is built to meet all our needs. Most of the obstacles which we believe stands in our way are just illusions. As a competent people we are bound to create ways to make a one good step in taking away these hindrances that blocks our way to success.
Therefore, the challenge is not only to use technology to foster development, but to transfer the knowledge, skills and competencies to use it.
information technology,
MIS 1 assignments
Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Many industries and organizations are facing difficulties in delivering effectively its IT services and add value to their diverse production procedure. Identifying some strategies or approaches in information technology will be a great contribution to the evolution of the industry and its information system as well.
Some best practices in information technology which can guide and support the management of IT resources are:
• Use an IT advisory board to oversee IT strategy and policy decisions. The board is the one who is responsible in strategic planning and making an IT policy. That is why having an IT advisory board compose of experienced staff which has adequate understanding in the recent technological environment will be uncomplicated to work, plan, and communicate more effectively with the IT director.
• Base IT decisions on bureau and City-wide strategic technology. Even though IT board can function alone in organizing and making plans, it will be a factor when they communicate and consult the government department and support the city-wide goals.
• Ensure that an IT customer service manager possesses excellent communication and
interpersonal skills. Knowledge in government business and project management is necessary for IT costumer service managers. They need these skills in balancing the needs, wants, limitations, and capabilities of both the government and IT department for the reason that they are the key players for managing resources and expectations for both the IT and government department.
• Monitor and report on the progress of the IT strategic plan. IT strategic plan should be evaluated at least once a year. And whatever the results, whether it is good or bad, the top management should do something for the improvement of the strategic plan or change the strategies as needed.
• Develop strong and broad competencies. The knowledge of IT staff guarantees that their skills are good enough to achieve the objective of the organization. They should be trained in operating businesses and communication skills. Performance appraisals can also help in developing strong and wide competencies for it encourages the staff to work harder.
• Recognize the customer as an important resource. Costumer is one of the important resources in businesses. A costumer maximizes the chance of the improvement of the business.
• Measure performance and use the results to initiate improvements and change. Measuring performance will indicate areas that need improvement, build credibility and prove to the government department that the Information Technology improves business processes. It also measures the costumer satisfaction.
These practices will help develop the leadership of the information technology department and contribute to the successful management of Information technology resources.
References from:
information technology,
MIS 1 assignments
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Information system keeps on failing

Information Systems are the foundation of today’s up-and-coming businesses. Creating an information technology system is a difficult task for it needs generally experienced workers who have advance technical knowledge and expertise in managing and understanding business principles. But instead of making this system successfully implemented, it turns out that it keeps on failing due to
• poor planning
• shortage of knowledge and skills of the team
• lack of top management commitment
• inadequate project management
• improper definition of roles and responsibilities
Misunderstanding the objective and scope of the information system could also lead to system failure because it needs greater realism in setting targets, greater financial control and flexibility.
Ideas from:
Tuesday, July 8, 2008

(Article from the daily mirror)
MANILA (PNA News-feature)—the church has given permission to reveal to the people the last part of the message of the secret of Fatima.
The blessed Virgin appeared to three children in Fatima, and Portugal, in 1917, this is a proven fact. The last of the three children of Fatima, sister Lucia died on 13 February 2005 at the age of 97. As a cloistered nun she lived in a monastery in Portugal.
Lucia disclosed the message for the first time to Pope Pius XII whom, after reading it, he sealed it and stored away without making it public.
Later Pope John XXIII read it and in the same manner as his predecessor, he kept it out of the public eye because he knew that once revealed, it will bring desperation and panic to human kind.
Now the time has come, and permission has been granted from Pope John Paul II to reveal it to the children of god, in order not to create panic but to make people aware of his important message so everybody can be prepared.
The virgin told Lucia: “Go my child and tell the world; what will come to pass during the 1950’s – 2000’s”.
Men are not practicing the Commandments that our father has given us.
Evil is governing the world and is harvesting hate and resentment all over. Men will fabricate mortal weapons that will destroy the world in minutes, half of the human race will be destroyed, the war will begin against Rome, and there will be conflicts amongst religious orders.
God will allow all natural phenomenons like smoke, hail, cold, water, fire, floods, earthquakes, winds and inclement weather to slowly batter the planet. These things will come to pass before the year 2010.
“Those who won’t believe, this is the time”, your beloved mother told you, “those lacking charity towards others and those who do not love thy neighbor like my beloved Son has loved you, all cannot survive. They will wish to have died, millions are unimaginable, they will come, and there is no doubt our Lord God will punish severely those who do not believe in him, those who despise him, and those who did not time for him. I call upon all of you to come to my son Jesus Christ, God helps the world but all of those who do not show fidelity and loyalty will be destroyed.”
Many souls will be lost; many nations will disappear from the earth. But, in the middle of all these, if men reflect, pray and practice good deeds, the world can be saved. One of all these, if men persist with its evil, the world will be lost forever.
The time has come for all to pass on the message of our Blessed Lady to their families, friends and to the entire world. Start praying, to make penitence and sacrifices. We are at the last minute of the last day and the catastrophes are near. Due to this, many that were far from the church will return to the open arms of the church of Jesus Christ. The joining of the churches will result in one holy catholic and apostolic church. All will return believing and worshiping God our creator; in his beloved son and in our blessed mother Virgin Mary. “What awaits us?” Everywhere there will be “peace talks”, but punishment will come.
A man in a very important position will be assassinated and this will provoke the war. A powerful army will dominate all through European the nuclear war will commence.
This war will destroy everything, darkness will fall over us for 72 hours and the one third of humanity that survives this obscurity and sacrifice, will commence to live a new era. In a very cold night, a great quake will shake the earth for 8 hours.
This will be the third signal that God who governs the earth. The righteous and those who propagate the faith and the message of the Lady of Fatima should not fear, do not be afraid. WHAT TO DO? Bow your heads, kneel down and ask God for forgiveness because only what is good and is not under the power of evil will survive the catastrophe.
All those who believe in my words go and take the message to everyone. Do not fear. Fear nothing during the Lord’s great day. Talk to all the souls. Now that there is time, those who keep quiet will be responsible for all those souls who will perish in ignorance.
Do not forget that God’s punishment is holy and once it has started you should not look outside, under no circumstances, god does not want any of his children to see when he punishes the sinners. All this encompasses with the writings of the Holy Scriptures. Read on the New Testament; Luke: 21-5:121, 12:19, 20:20, 29:33. Letters of St. Paul 3-8-14. Isaiah 40, 1:5-9. You must understand that God allow this to happen.
The popes and bishops are now awaiting another message that speaks about repentance and prayer. Remember that God words are not a threat, but good news. Please reproduce this page and send them to all you know so we can have the opportunity to repent and be saved. We do not know if those receiving this message believe or not in God, but think that if you are receiving this message is for a reason. Maybe the creator is giving us the chance to be saved, no matter what religion or creed. If you do not believe this message at least share them to others, it cost you nothing. To all those receiving it, they can have the chance to judge for themselves.
Remember, we can avoid a great deal if we practice the Commandments that our father God tells us. There are 10 simple things, that if we all put in practice we can obtain God’s pardon.
Let’s start practicing it now.
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