There is a fundamental, certain reality that needs to be clearly taken into consideration in information system planning. These are its purpose and major challenges prior the information system plan. This evolution is a reality that must be recognized and addressed directly and responsibly. Although many of us, no doubt, already know what is behind information system planning, that is not a realistic option. Nor it is a responsible one for future generations. The purpose of IS planning are many and diverse, but there focus is one at the same time, namely, to make the business grow.
Does a business need to plan an information system strategically? What are their grounds in making these things possible? I am a little bit confused thinking of a better idea that could possibly considerable and significant. As always, I look for better answers and found out that the simple purposes why a company needs information systems planning is to implement a universal system of data transfer and data access and to develop automated reports to assist in managing the workforce development programs, to compile, analyze and coordinate the collection of data relevant to the needs of the business. In its simplest terms, the main intention why a business does information system planning is in order to improve service to their clients.
The reason why organization does IS planning, these includes the constant competition of measures and countermeasures, the tendency to keep weakness out of mind or perhaps the ordinary failures of design or execution. Planning method is designed for taking an occasional fresh look at the future challenges and possible strategies, for rethinking matters such as impressive strategy and higher-level defense planning. The essence of Information system planning is to deal with future uncertainty by generating capabilities usable for different purposes and circumstances.
Strategic planning for information system is essential to organizational success, especially in times of increasingly rapid change. The reason why a business needs to plan an information system is simply because the impact of information system as well as information technology contributes a lot in the performance of the business and to the success of the organization. The purpose is to promote capabilities-based planning for diverse contingencies, both large and small and emphasize the need for hedge capabilities permitting future challenges. While we are hopeful that technological changes will play important roles in helping us to adapt to this coming reality, we also need to acknowledge and address the fact that information system plan constitute a major part in the development of the business scheme.
An information system planning has begun to make more efficient use of its resources to serve its growing demand. However, to meet the growing demand for many resources, a company or an organization must carry out a plan to realign its capital resources and to acquire support service more efficiently. At the same time, an organization needs to improve its process for allocating resources.
Information system planning is somehow a necessity for the same reason that every now and then technology changes. IS planning has become a part of a company’s over-all plan because it assist the business in the improvement of the company’s information technology. Information systems are a primary part of organizations, and when they change, the organization also changes. Since technology is always changing, a need for a new and updated information system is a must. Thus, in support with this fast change an information system needs redesigning. Change is a part of the process and must be carefully managed. The term completion, when talking about a new system, refers to the entire process of organizational change surrounding the introduction of a new system.
That is why in an ideal world, a comprehensive information system planning would solve all the problems that information system manager face and the organization itself. That is mainly the reason why we elaborated more clearly the purpose of information system because Information system planning sometimes involves the whole organization. Unfortunately, the world continues to change at such a rate that plans must be continually updated. Without information system plan a business plan will not be completed for the reason that IS plan itself were critical success factor. That is why many companies particularly those large ones has developed a complete and inclusive technology planning procedure to boost technology project launch and approval. That is also the main reason why a continuous and ongoing information system planning is really a must.
Businesses does information system plan for the reason that it enhances productivity of the business itself. By observation, information systems often do seem to greatly increase productivity. It helps the business in creating better and efficient output that could possibly satisfies the need of the clients. It plays in the success or failure of mergers and also acquisitions. Manager throughout the information system planning have strongly embrace linking performance with resource and operations management responsibilities. Evaluating the direct impact of information system planning on the business processing and accuracy may be difficult to achieve. IS plan is effective in providing employees the knowledge they need to accurately and consistently business process. In applying that knowledge, a number of factors may get involved, making it difficult to isolate the effects of IS plan in the business from other factors that might influence those same results. This remains a critical issue and a great challenge for all organizations.
Challenges, what are the most frequent challenges we always come upon during the IS planning. I did not attempt to list every challenge, just the primary ones. There are lots of challenges but I just want to focus on one major challenge that always occurs when an organization develops an information system, it is planning for change in a changing world. Change is a continuing presence in all forceful and successful businesses. The challenge lies in knowing what, where, and how to change – and what, where, and how not to – and proactively planning to make the business in the future even better than they are today.
A common challenge of information system planning is that they fail to spend enough time in the early stages of their planning processes providing the community with information about the changes and challenges that lies ahead and the consequences of failing to plan for them. This challenges still remains as a constant challenge because during the IS plan, developers mostly fail to put into action what is the real nature of the plan. Many of these instances are common since people tend to forgot to elaborate what are the possible consequences when the plan fails.
Because of such reason, during IS planning an accurate prediction of the course of events sometimes not even possible. That is, hesitation is not only everywhere and large, but also impossible to get rid of it by merely working hard to do so. So what do we do about this burden of uncertainty? In a phrase, we should get on with business – learning to plan in a way that includes the expectation of surprises and the need for adaptations.
Information system planning a long time ago was possible only because all design and development was centralized and during those times was acceptable preliminary part because budgets were ever increasing, schedules always falling and information was not yet part of the corporations’ critical edge. Well, today is different, really different. Budgets are decreasing, and slipped schedules are being cited as preventing business alternatives. Budgets are one of the major challenges in IS planning. In the business world even outside world, constant change always happens and so high budget demands and poor funds. This two causes the IS plan to fail, not always but sometimes.
Businesses face significant challenges addressing information security program requirements and establishing a comprehensive and integrated security program. Information security is critical to the confidentiality, integrity and availability of data, and to protect assets required to support the business. Lack of management oversight contributes to inefficient practices and weaknesses in electronic information and physical security. These factors can also be a major challenge during the IS plan.
Since information technology has become commonplace in organizations, the potential for wasting time and money on unwise choices has not diminished, but rather has increased. Since every program and every task can benefit from computers and related technology, need for new and improve system continual arise within the organization. If systems are designed and implemented without some kind of plan, an organization risks having systems that are incompatible, cannot share data, require different hardware, or otherwise less than best possible. In other words, a technology investment – whether a purchase of technology or the development of a new system – may be cost effective in relation to its original justification, but be wasteful when in the context of all the other programs of the organization. Thus, managers’ responsibility to make decisions about individual systems has been complicated by the need to ensure long-range compatibility and connectivity. Making sound decisions now requires looking at the technology of the organization as a whole, rather than program by program or task by task. An IS planning provides conceptual models for making decisions where wide and long-range compatibility is required.
Developing and sustaining a knowledgeable workforce is a significant challenge for most businesses and information system planning is just one initiative to address this critical issue. We recognize that we must have a properly trained workforce to analyze the complex details of information system and all information that needs extensive study.
Planning for a better future, for both current and future generations, is one of the most important and long-lasting functions of local businesses. It is very important, therefore, that it be undertaken for the right reasons and with the right attitudes. We live in a rapidly changing world in which the failure of the information system planning team to plan for and adapt to changing conditions can adversely affect our economy, our environment, and our social well-being – both within and beyond the organization. So, when we make changes on our information system plans, it is important that we do so with a great sense of responsibility to ourselves and to future generations – not just to fulfill legal obligations under state law or not just because our current plans may be “out of date.”
Planning without context is merely wishful thinking. Effective planning needs to take place with a conscious awareness not only of current conditions, but also of the changes and challenges that lie ahead. While we face serious, even frightening, challenges in the years ahead, we must face them with a spirit of optimism and determination to confront and address them effectively.
An important factor of a successful information system plan is the awareness of how important and relatively extraordinary they are. Given the major changes and challenges we will be facing in the coming years and decades, and the urgent need for us to begin addressing them as soon as possible, this next round of information systems plan may be the most important in our lifetimes. As a result, it is critical that they be done responsibly and well, because the opportunity to do them again may not occur for another decade.
To top it all, businesses develops information system plan to build a high performing organization. Since most businesses spent lots of funds on its information technology they established support and is making steps in developing an integrated business that produces satisfying and pleasing outcomes. To preserve or maintain financial and benefits payment information and produce reliable performance and workload data, the organization must sustain its commitment.
During these times, a few words that will still remain even if it is expounded in 2000 words is that every organizations in a business world either in a competition or not still needs information system plan for this can help in the pursue of the main reason why they land a business – high revenue.
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