Teasing and insulting are sometimes one of the cruel pastimes of most young ones. Far form being good-natured fun, however, the teasing amounted to discrimination. Let me share a friend’s experience of this so-called good-natured fun. Being one of the few girls in class, she has been the butt of peer cruelty. Being her friend, I am wondering how she still continue living her life in school with all the teasing she receive everyday. Bible at proverbs 14:13 says that “even in laughter the heart may be in pain.” Maybe they (her classmates) feel better when putting someone down. That is why they keep on teasing.
Likewise, insults seem to cut her down to size. Insecurity, jealousy, and low self-esteem are thus often the reason for ridicule. Why, then, should you lose your self-esteem because some insecure youth has lost his? Do not hurry your self in your spirit to become offended, for the taking of offense is what rests in the bosom of the stupid ones.
Yes, why should you take teasing seriously? Granted, it hurts when someone pokes fun at your figure or finds amusement in your face. If what is said is not obscene or irreverent, try to see the humor in it. There is a time to laugh, and taking offense at playful teasing may be an overreaction. Don’t pay attention to everything people say.
Try displaying a sense of humor when being teased. So do not let contrary talk by peers break your spirit. When needed, show a sense of humor. Respond to evil with kindness. Refuse to feed the fires of contention, and in time your tormentors may find little pleasure in targeting you for ridicule, for “where here is no wood the fire goes out. “---Proverbs 26:20
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