A drama series that will rip your heart into pieces and at the same time gained consciousness about the importance of being strong. We don’t know what will be God’s plan for us. After watching this Japanese drama series overnight causing my eyes to grow bigger I was left into conclusion. If the lead actress was me, I’d rather die early than being laughed at because of my disease. But her eagerness and strength to recover amazed me. But I know even if her mind already accepts the fact that her disease is incurable, deep within her heart is a part that won’t accept that she was dying. But despite everything, the people talking behind her back, the intent looks; she keeps on hoping that someday her doctor could find ways for a cure.
How I wish I could be as strong as her. Well, pretending to be alright is never that easy. In times like this, you will be questioning your love and faith with the Lord. It has been said that Lord God is the healer. That his name is more powerful than any disease you can name. is he being unfair if someone got a disease which is incurable?
A true story based on her own life, was originally written in first person. It is about a girl coping with her teenage life along with a degenerative disease. She keeps a diary of not only what she does but how she feels and the hardships she must endure. Initially, the diary's purpose was for Kitô to chronicle impressions she had about how the disease was affecting her daily life. As the disease progressed, however, the diary became Kitô's outlet for describing the intense personal struggles she underwent in coping, adapting, and ultimately trying to survive her disease. As she notes in one entry, "I write because writing is evidence that I am still alive."
Aya Kito was diagnosed with a disease called spinocerebellar Degeneration when she was 15 years old. The disease causes the person to lose control over their body, but because the person can retain all mental ability the disease acts as a prison. Aya discovers this disastrous news as the disease has already developed. There is no cure.
Through family, medical examinations and rehabilitations, and finally succumbing to the disease, Aya must cope with the disease and live on with life until her death at the age of 25.
start reading her diary...
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