I am such an observant person. I should start with the diagrams posted all over the school premises. To be honest, the first time I have seen that tarpaulin demonstrating the enrollment process, I did compare it to my own illustration when we have our assignments in one of my subjects the previous semester. It was awful because I really feel upset because for me it was good compared to what I have done. Then by this time, I came to realize that was it really that good? Maybe it will be much nicer if the university will use my work and perhaps it would be the start of my career. Char. How boastful I am. Well, I must be the one to appreciate my work, right?
On the other hand, when I saw it again these past days, I am already in a doubt. Being straightforward won’t kill me. Other than being frank I also need to see the other side of it. On the safe side, yes it was good since it was made and planned by the teachers. If you know how to read and appreciate pictures then you can reach till the last step.
I was thinking that compared to other universities, when you want to enroll in our school, you need to waste at least three days before officially enrolled. Why is it? Is it because the university has lots of enrollees to cater? Or we have lack of staffs to attend the needs of the enrollees? Or perhaps, the process itself is the problem and we don’t just realize it?
Enrollment Steps:
This is the old enrollment steps for old students:
1. Signing of clearance and other miscellaneous fees
2. Validate scholarship for scholars
3. Advising of subjects
4. Encoding of subjects
5. Students accounts for scholars
6. Cashier for payments of tuition fees for non scholars
7. Registrar
8. Library for library card validation
This is the old enrollment steps for new students: (based on my experience)
1. Pay miscellaneous and other fees
2. Filling up students record at the UGTO
3. Apply for a scholarship at the Office Student Services for those students who have scholarship grants
4. Enroll in ROTC or CWTS
5. Go to your college adviser for advising of subjects
6. Encoding of subjects for you to have Certification of Registration
7. Verify student accounts at the bookkeeper for scholars
8. Pay tuition fee at the cashier for non scholars
9. Registrar for the submission of all the necessary documents for the students to be officially enrolled
10. Apply for a library card
11. Picture taking for school id
This is an image of the new enrollment steps:

When you will compare it, there is no difference. We are still following the same steps. The only thing that matter is that the enrollment system we are using is new. For old students, during enrollment time, students need to pay local fees first before any other transactions specifically headlight and other local council fees. Student’s clearance which is processed prior the scheduled enrollment is a must. In case that said clearance is not completely signed then she/he will not be entertained by the assigned class adviser. The students are obliged to bring all the receipts and the student’s clearance during advising as a requirement. During this period, the adviser will give a form commonly known as PRF for the student to write the subject he/she is advised to enroll for the semester.
When the student is already advised as to what subject he/she will enroll, encoding of the advised subjects will be the next step. In every college there are assigned offices or encoders who will handle this task. Sometimes this is where the students are stuck due to number of students per one encoder. After this, the student now have the COR or Certificate of Registration which consist of the said amount the student will pay.
If the student is a scholar, she needs to go to the bookkeeper window for the approval of their scholarship and for records purposes also. Otherwise, if you are just an ordinary student (katong scholar sa parents) you need to fall in a long line. This is where the student will pay his/her tuition fee. You also need to prepare coins because the cashier sometimes doesn’t provide coins. Partial payments are also accepted.
After paying the tuition fee, we need to go to the registrar’s office. There are assigned windows every college or department. The enrollee needs to present her receipts (headlight, local council fees and tuition fee) and also the student’s clearance before you will be officially enrolled.
When you are already officially enrolled, you need to go to the university library for the library card validation.
Nothing changes when it comes to the steps we need to follow because it is still the same. Even though the school has already constructed additional windows in the registrar it is still not enough to make the enrollment process faster. Students still experiences to line up in a long line and experience also the thing we called “singit-singit”.
Enrollment Procedure:
The first time the new system was applied to our enrollment last summer it was better though because there are only plenty of students enrolling. But in the start of this school year where in there were many enrollees, the new system was not doing so well. First factor is that the faculty and staffs still has to adjust to it thus making the enrollment process slow. Second, not only the staffs had to adjust but the new enrollees as well. But I strongly believe that students and staffs will soon be used in this system. Perhaps this is the first stepping stone to finding ways in improving our university. This institution has to stick not only with the high academic standards but also with the many method, system or structuring in order for the school to produce a smooth sailing system in all department.
Last semester, enrolment procedure in different colleges is different. Because there are only a small number of students in Institute of Computing, student doesn’t have to wait for their names to be called at the registrar’s office. But for the other colleges, they have to wait for them to be called. The problem with this kind of method is the students don’t have any idea when their names will be called.
I asked some of my friends who belongs in the college of education. According to them, the enrollment this school year is much better compared to the last one. Since there is a priority numbers given to each students. With this, you have already the idea if it is already your turn.
For IC students who are already used to directly going to the registrar’s office, the new scheme is making them feel embarrass.
I also have some observation with regards to the enrollment flow and that huge tarpaulin.
• With regards to the distribution of the certificate of registration, compared to the old system, there are four copies of COR, for the cashiers copy, registrars copy and for the students copy. But with the new system, there are just two copies given. In my own point of view, this kind of scenario makes the process time consuming. Since we have to wait for another extra time to wait for another copy. But I am happy with the paper they are using.
• On the other side, the new printer in IC department is a big help since it prints faster than the old one and it is not noisy.
• I also want to comment about the information printed in the COR. Instead of making it fourth year it is indeed third year. It hurts because I tried very hard in order for me to reach this year but suddenly in the COR I was still third year. I want this problem to be given an urgent solution for the reason that it affects the feeling of the students.
• About the tarpaulin, do we need to have that? According to my friends, it will be much better if they will just ask some friends than wasting time reading that tarp. It is easier for me to understand the old sheet they are using. Those enrollment process written in a simple coupon bond.
• The presentation of the diagram is not that so good also. As an IC student, I am more knowledgeable with regard to the diagrams given that it is taught in one of our subjects. Like what Kate said, the variance of the size of the arrows because there are different meanings to every shape and symbol or size.
• To give some credit about the good things, the chairs in the cashier, registrar and book keeper are the best things or help that the university have produce for students.
Since the university has always lots of enrollees every start of school year, I think it would be the center of attention for the school administration to create or build a new enrollment process that would solve the problem of “a three days enrollment”.
Nevertheless, if I were tapped by the university president to evaluate the new enrollment system implemented this semester I won’t hesitate to suggest to update not just the enrollement system but also the enrollment process. The administration is not aware about this problem, I think because if they do, they have already conducted some solutions. I will let them know and realize at the same time the sentiment of the students with regards to the enrollment procedure.
• Additional staffs or windows would be a big help especially in the cashier and book keepers office. Two windows over thousands of students are impossible to make a rapid process during enrollment.
• Additional staff in OSS that will entertain scholars upon validation and renewal of scholarship. In my years of existence in the university, this school year is the worst line of students I have encountered.
Forgive me if I am too much observant. A solution starts when there are mistakes and before you discover errors, it started by being observant. Being a student is not a lame excuse to keep on listening and watching and not doing anything because it is also our right to let them see what they haven’t seen. Let the higher administration hear the voice of the students because it takes two to tango.
I hope that this will serve as a stepping stone to improvements. Like what I have posted in the last assignment, I also believe that soon enough this university will develop far more better structure to make not just the enrollment process faster but with other systems or method that will contribute to the welfare of the school and to produce excellent and quality graduates always in the future. I just hope that with the university’s decision to make slight changes and development as well would lead to something that will function better.
a comparison..hahahha
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