Advances in information technologies have helped business processes simple. In spite of the rapid growth potential of information technology there are still obstacles to the wide spread development of the society. One of the biggest impediments on information system and technology are the ff.:
..shortage of computing infrastructure
..declining budgets and rising cost
..lack of knowledge in the use of information technology.
Infrastructure is the very important framework of any information organization. Effective Information access and use depends on communication facilities such as telephones, Internet, fax, computers, as well as an adequate supply of electricity. Computer literacy is almost non-existent in primary and secondary education. It is very much limited in colleges and universities due to shortage of skilled human resources and computing infrastructure.
Faced with declining budget and increasing demand from users, information system is finding it difficult to acquire the needs of the user that can meet such demand. There are number of cost for users in obtaining access to information. Many people cannot afford to travel from one place to another to obtain such information. Poor people are sometimes those who can’t gain information because of poverty.
Sometimes, we tend to forget the genuine function of the information in the internet. Lack of knowledge on how to use information technology can hinder our way to development in information technology.
Staff attitude toward user is also one of the hindrances in the development in information system. Quality of service depends on quality of staff. When information system head and its staffs fail to make adequate use of their knowledge and skills, access to information and performance is affected.
Information technology alone is just merely a tool which is a substitute for the needs of the development not just in information technology but in the way we live life as well. It is built to meet all our needs. Most of the obstacles which we believe stands in our way are just illusions. As a competent people we are bound to create ways to make a one good step in taking away these hindrances that blocks our way to success.
Therefore, the challenge is not only to use technology to foster development, but to transfer the knowledge, skills and competencies to use it.
Nice idea! Keep on going! We may have different perceptions but they are all right!