Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Why create change?

Today, youth have grown up under the threat of having no future at all. Fortunately, this is the real reason for me to be optimistic about my future. This depends on how I utilize the present. My fate, however, is the least of my worries. I am far more concerned with what does the future hold for me. Having the thoughts about where will I want to go and what I want to be is an effortless thing to think. I am only afraid of the future, a future in a world characterized by threats. This thing haunts my vision of the future. Why should I bother to think of my future, the worlds going to blow up anyway? It seems that our efforts are just doomed to failure.

For that reason, we need to create change. We have the right to manage earth’s future. Human rights have proved to be disastrous, leaving the present generation a legacy of wretchedness and the most miserable of future prospects. But as these things start to occur, we must raise ourselves and lift our heads up. Its time for us to change starting from ourselves and show the world that we are still worthy of the things god have given us. Let’s make the earth a place of love, a place where everyone is free. The things that we keep on doing are just making our life a little bit more complicated. Maybe it is already the time to do things the other way around. By now we know what keeps on making our life miserable; perhaps it won’t kill us if we stop doing it. Life is really simple but we insist on making it complicated. Not everything is meant to be but everything is worth a try.

The whole thing changes tomorrow might be different because there is an appointed time for everything. We need to start doing and creating change. This coming New Year might be the good way to start. But should we need to wait for the New Year to come? We should start making change yesterday.
Start making resolutions.

Friday, December 26, 2008

is it worthy???!!!

Think about your approved/proposed systems, is it worth the three or more years of learning you get from the university? Describe how you arrive with this proposal.

Four years of learning was really a true help in boosting our hidden knowledge. The question now is am I using this knowledge?

I was struck by the way I uses my knowledge. It made me idiot when my teacher keeps on repeating our proposed system all the time during our SAD1 class. (Maka hurt baya to. ) He keeps on saying that our proposed system is not worth the three years of learning we get from the university. For more than three years of learning information technology I have already acquired different types of knowledge related to IT (programming, creating and designing systems). We have been taught such knowledge that leads to the development of new ideas, skills, and understanding. We are task to look for a company and proposed system (as a requirement for SAD1 subject). Our group looks for a company that can help us in completing this requirement. We encounter such series of group meetings for us to plan better. At first, our group decided to take Legacy Group as our company we have decided to propose a cashiering system for them to be more at ease when they are doing their work. Our proposed system was already approved by Ma’am Tammy but suddenly Legacy Group told us that they cannot entertain us because they are too busy. It was sad news but we then find another company. We decided to take Barangay Hall of Buhangin (as a last resort). When we conducted an interview there, the group then realized that we need to propose a much bigger system (I think) because the system we suggested comprises of subsystems. For me, it will be a huge responsibility for us, to think that the system we will be creating is a big one.

But I am still in a doubt if we can completely create, design and implement the system. Even if we are on our fourth year in the institute, we are still in the level of challenging our self in completing systems. Jade, one of my classmates was right when he said that coding is a little bit difficult. But our teacher was also right that IC students in USEP must be capable of doing these things. We are known to be globally competitive students, how can we find job outside the school when we don’t manage to create just a small system?

Learning takes place when we learn. When we keep on circling on the same circle we are bound to fail. How can we make it to the top if we won’t try making risks? I now that I am still afraid of taking risks for I don’t want to be held responsible if problem come. I don’t want to take risks because I am afraid that we can’t complete the system we proposed. But I was born as a globally competitive person. Maybe our group needs an assembly for us to come up on a more perfect idea. Given an option that the proposed system should be web ready for a more challenge work, it still remain as an option to our group because we think that it is more difficult. But we are working on it. We just need to freshen up our mind and have some Christmas vacation…

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Just for tonight.

Just for tonight I want to be happy. They say that Christmas is all about love. I think god doesn’t want me to be happy. Why?
I keep on pretending that life is good. I keep on believing that there will be lots of love this Christmas. All throughout my 19 years of existence I still don’t feel peace and love during Christmas. I always wish that someday we can celebrate it not just with food on the table but with my whole family celebrating with love and peace in their hearts. I am already excited this Christmas season because my eldest sis visited us from a far away land but suddenly when we are on our way to a place where we will be celebrating the season, all of a sudden a bad news struck us all. My nephew needs to be admitted at the hospital for some reasons. Then, for this reason we need to cancel our trip and celebrate Christmas at the hospital.
I can’t feel the spirit of Christmas for I am not feeling it..it made me sad and alone. Why.??.why..??

How I wish..love can create miracles..

just for tonight..

Monday, December 22, 2008

Stop teasing me!

Teasing and insulting are sometimes one of the cruel pastimes of most young ones. Far form being good-natured fun, however, the teasing amounted to discrimination. Let me share a friend’s experience of this so-called good-natured fun. Being one of the few girls in class, she has been the butt of peer cruelty. Being her friend, I am wondering how she still continue living her life in school with all the teasing she receive everyday. Bible at proverbs 14:13 says that “even in laughter the heart may be in pain.” Maybe they (her classmates) feel better when putting someone down. That is why they keep on teasing.

Likewise, insults seem to cut her down to size. Insecurity, jealousy, and low self-esteem are thus often the reason for ridicule. Why, then, should you lose your self-esteem because some insecure youth has lost his? Do not hurry your self in your spirit to become offended, for the taking of offense is what rests in the bosom of the stupid ones.

Yes, why should you take teasing seriously? Granted, it hurts when someone pokes fun at your figure or finds amusement in your face. If what is said is not obscene or irreverent, try to see the humor in it. There is a time to laugh, and taking offense at playful teasing may be an overreaction. Don’t pay attention to everything people say.

Try displaying a sense of humor when being teased. So do not let contrary talk by peers break your spirit. When needed, show a sense of humor. Respond to evil with kindness. Refuse to feed the fires of contention, and in time your tormentors may find little pleasure in targeting you for ridicule, for “where here is no wood the fire goes out. “---Proverbs 26:20

Friday, December 19, 2008

Am I ready to date?

In many lands, dating is viewed as a means of romantic entertainment or a fun activity. For some, a date is a formal, structured affair. For others, a date simply means spending sometime together with someone you like of the opposite sex. Dating was not the custom in Bible times. Nevertheless, when carried out intelligently, cautiously, and honorably, dating is a legitimate way for two people to get to know each other. And yes, it can be enjoyable. But does this mean that I should date?

On the other hand, the reason why I didn’t date simply means I fell pressured to do so. Dating is just a part of a natural development as a person. For one thing, dating is a serious business. It is a part of the process of selecting a marriage mate. Admittedly, it may be the last thing on the minds of most youths who date. In the long run, dating for any reason is likely to result anything but fun. Why so? What’s the sense of dating? It can be a waste of time.

Am I ready? God tells young people: “Rejoice, young man or woman, in your youth, and let your heart do you good in the days of your young manhood, and walk in the ways of your heart and in the things seen by your eyes.” Young people do tend to walk in the ways of their heart. Yet so often those ways, which seems to be such fun, end up bringing annoyance and calamity, a calamity that can make both lives miserable. Does this mean, then, that dating itself is a source of self distraction? Not necessarily, right? Just learn to handle it.

Reflect on it guys..

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

steps for critical success factors approach

The last time we have a discussion about this topic; it was reported by two of my classmates in management information system. Even though it was reported clearly (I think) the explanations given are still a bit unclear to me. But after reading the fourth assignment I was forced to have some thorough study or even comprehensive reading about the topic. But reading does help. It sure does.

Before I will jump into many conclusions and expounding into thousands of words what are the steps for critical success factors approach, I will discuss first what critical success factors really mean and where it first originated. The CSFs approach was applied in case studies carried out in the UK universities. It was applied also as a component of a strategic information management (SIM) methodology put forward by Wilson. The CSFs approach was combined with the value chain concept by Porter in order to form an information audit. The idea of identifying critical success factors as a basis for determining the information needs of managers was proposed by Daniel in 1961 but it was popularized by Rockart on 1979. The ideas were very simple: in any organization certain factors will be critical to the success of that organization, in the sense that, if objectives associated with the factors are not achieved, the organization will.

Critical success Factors define key areas of performance that are essential for the organization to accomplish its mission. Identifying the business drivers for change and the critical success factors is the most important element of any business transformations. John F. Rockart concludes that CSF’s are areas of activity that should receive constant and careful attention from management. Critical success factors are strongly related to the mission and strategic goals of your business project. Whereas the mission and goals focus on the aims and what is to be achieved. Critical success factors focus on the most important areas and get to the very heart of both what is to be achieved and how you will achieve it.

For most businesses, there are only a generally a limited number of areas – like sales or product development – which makes a business succeed. We can select critical success factor with insights and analysis. The success or failure of your business depends on how you approach your unique set of critical success factors. Understanding these factors and spending 100 percent attention to them is a sure way to add power to your efforts and jump start towards a new level of performance.

For better understanding about the steps on critical success factors approach, let’s go further than the business issues. Let us narrow our senses. The following definitions are mostly ideas based on the explanation given by myGoals.com.
Critical success factors cannot be specifically defined for the masses because success can be defined quite differently by each individual, and for the goal at hand. Therefore, in order to identify critical success factors, it is first necessary to come to terms with your own personal definition of success. Each individual’s own definition of will be influenced by several key factors:

•Success is subject to individual interpretation based on upbringing, past experiences, role models, personal motivations and goals. For some it might be to own a home in an upscale neighborhood, while for others it might be a career in the Peace Corps. Carefully contemplate your definition of success based on your values—not what your brother-in-law or Madison Avenue tells you it is. Your own definition of personal success directly influences critical factors leading to that success.

•Your view of success will change at various times throughout your life. For example, what might be deemed successful in college or on your first job is very different from successfully raising a family or comfortably retiring in the Caribbean. Your definition of success will continue to change, so don’t make the error of pursuing an outdated version of it. Success factors will change over time.

•Personal success is sometimes measurable and sometimes not. Accumulating a certain amount of wealth is one way to measure success, but it is not the only way; a successful marriage may be far more meaningful to many people and can only be measured by how the two partners feel about each other as the years go by.

•Very few people achieve success accidentally. Most people who achieve success first defined it then planned for it; they set a goal to achieve it. Critical success factors change with the goal.

Once you have defined personal success for yourself, your next step is to set goals that will lead you to your definition of success. You must create realistic, viable plans to achieve those goals. Follow your plans, be flexible, and enjoy the process. It’s not about keeping up with the Joneses. Here are five success factors that will directly affect your success in achieving any goal:

Critical Success Factor #1: Clearly Identify your Goal

The first step is to identify your special set of critical success factors. Clearly determine what the goal is. Be specific when identifying your factors. Test your assumptions by imagining a decline in a particular factor. How would that impact your business? And then imagine an improvement in that factor and think if what will its impact in you business.

Critical Success Factor #2: Identify the Obstacles

The next step is to establish a measurement scale for each critical factor. List all the hindrances standing between you and the goal. Identify resources, assistance, information or anything else that might be needed to reach the goal. As you're writing, don’t get discouraged by the obstacles– they’re absolutely necessary to help you with the next step in completing your plan.

Critical Success Factor #3: Know the Tasks Necessary to Overcome Each Obstacle

Set the baseline after establishing a measurement structure for a factor. Taking each obstacle one at a time, write one or more ways the obstacle could be overcome. These are tasks that will comprise your to-do list. Expect to have several tasks per obstacle.

Critical Success Factor #4: Assign Deadlines

Next is setting new goals. Create a gap between where you are and your baseline and your target for that factor. Assign a start and completion date to each task in the plan. It’s ok to be working on several different tasks at the same time, but don’t over do it. Be realistic.

Critical Success Factor #5: Follow the Plan

By the time to you've reached this step, you will have defined a goal plan. You have now defined a baseline and a target for each factor. Complete each task in succession. Revisit your goal plan often and make sure to use your reminder system to keep you on track. Use any idea generation process you are comfortable with. Develop several possible initiatives to raise the level of that factor. With luck your ideas will work together and harmonize in terms of impact or implementation requirements. If you generate challenging ideas, select the best option. Choose based on return on investment, required resources, scheduling conflicts, time to impact, total cost, and possibility of success in opposition to risk of failure. Depending on the specific factor, and the size of the gap, you may plan to close it in stages or shoot the gap all at once. Once you launch your gap closing initiatives, continually measure your results. Report your progress to participants and stakeholders and post it publicly.

If the success plan is too long or a little bit complicated, try to break it into several smaller more manageable plans. Do not rely on luck or things outside you control as part of the success plan. Be flexible enough; expect your success plan to change before you complete it. Circumstances change, unexpected events occur, and your plan should be updated to adapt to changes. Use planning software to help construct your plan and modify it regularly. Seek the input of others who have expertise in the area or who have completed similar goal. Reward yourself for practical success as significant milestone are accomplished.

To top it all, critical success factor was designed to help a business achieve personal success, regardless of how you chose to define it. It helps you select and pursue personally fulfilling goals; you create a clear, defined path to your own personal success. Critical path method is extremely effective tools for creating viable plans and keeping you on track. As what the saying goes, “you can’t mange what you can’t measure”. This tells us that the positive results don’t come easy and are driven by many factors besides management alignment. Because its human nature to revert the old comfortable ways.

As priorities change (and circumstances change), goals will change as well. Defining steps of approach provides a convenient, flexible, and easy way to manage your path to personal success. We encourage everyone to pursue their goals with passion. Personal success is yours alone to define, pursue, and achieve.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Twilight mania

By now, every girl in town is now victims of the Cullen craze. Mostly the fans are swept away by the “epic romance” between Edward and Bella. Although it is painful to admit, the first time I read twilight, I feel a little in love with Edward Cullen, too. Who wouldn’t on the first reading? Edward Cullen is a physical perfection, with a century of knowledge, piano skills, a passion for Bella that borders on obsession and a silver Volvo car. Wow. He’s the typical boy we can never have, but still want anyway.

Well, my friends are now gotten crazy and head over heals in love with twilight or Edward to be exact..
Friends, get over it. Save your energy, there will be lot more episode to come.


Thursday, December 11, 2008

purpose of information system planning and what it is major challenges

There is a fundamental, certain reality that needs to be clearly taken into consideration in information system planning. These are its purpose and major challenges prior the information system plan. This evolution is a reality that must be recognized and addressed directly and responsibly. Although many of us, no doubt, already know what is behind information system planning, that is not a realistic option. Nor it is a responsible one for future generations. The purpose of IS planning are many and diverse, but there focus is one at the same time, namely, to make the business grow.

Does a business need to plan an information system strategically? What are their grounds in making these things possible? I am a little bit confused thinking of a better idea that could possibly considerable and significant. As always, I look for better answers and found out that the simple purposes why a company needs information systems planning is to implement a universal system of data transfer and data access and to develop automated reports to assist in managing the workforce development programs, to compile, analyze and coordinate the collection of data relevant to the needs of the business. In its simplest terms, the main intention why a business does information system planning is in order to improve service to their clients.

The reason why organization does IS planning, these includes the constant competition of measures and countermeasures, the tendency to keep weakness out of mind or perhaps the ordinary failures of design or execution. Planning method is designed for taking an occasional fresh look at the future challenges and possible strategies, for rethinking matters such as impressive strategy and higher-level defense planning. The essence of Information system planning is to deal with future uncertainty by generating capabilities usable for different purposes and circumstances.

Strategic planning for information system is essential to organizational success, especially in times of increasingly rapid change. The reason why a business needs to plan an information system is simply because the impact of information system as well as information technology contributes a lot in the performance of the business and to the success of the organization. The purpose is to promote capabilities-based planning for diverse contingencies, both large and small and emphasize the need for hedge capabilities permitting future challenges. While we are hopeful that technological changes will play important roles in helping us to adapt to this coming reality, we also need to acknowledge and address the fact that information system plan constitute a major part in the development of the business scheme.

An information system planning has begun to make more efficient use of its resources to serve its growing demand. However, to meet the growing demand for many resources, a company or an organization must carry out a plan to realign its capital resources and to acquire support service more efficiently. At the same time, an organization needs to improve its process for allocating resources.

Information system planning is somehow a necessity for the same reason that every now and then technology changes. IS planning has become a part of a company’s over-all plan because it assist the business in the improvement of the company’s information technology. Information systems are a primary part of organizations, and when they change, the organization also changes. Since technology is always changing, a need for a new and updated information system is a must. Thus, in support with this fast change an information system needs redesigning. Change is a part of the process and must be carefully managed. The term completion, when talking about a new system, refers to the entire process of organizational change surrounding the introduction of a new system.

That is why in an ideal world, a comprehensive information system planning would solve all the problems that information system manager face and the organization itself. That is mainly the reason why we elaborated more clearly the purpose of information system because Information system planning sometimes involves the whole organization. Unfortunately, the world continues to change at such a rate that plans must be continually updated. Without information system plan a business plan will not be completed for the reason that IS plan itself were critical success factor. That is why many companies particularly those large ones has developed a complete and inclusive technology planning procedure to boost technology project launch and approval. That is also the main reason why a continuous and ongoing information system planning is really a must.

Businesses does information system plan for the reason that it enhances productivity of the business itself. By observation, information systems often do seem to greatly increase productivity. It helps the business in creating better and efficient output that could possibly satisfies the need of the clients. It plays in the success or failure of mergers and also acquisitions. Manager throughout the information system planning have strongly embrace linking performance with resource and operations management responsibilities. Evaluating the direct impact of information system planning on the business processing and accuracy may be difficult to achieve. IS plan is effective in providing employees the knowledge they need to accurately and consistently business process. In applying that knowledge, a number of factors may get involved, making it difficult to isolate the effects of IS plan in the business from other factors that might influence those same results. This remains a critical issue and a great challenge for all organizations.

Challenges, what are the most frequent challenges we always come upon during the IS planning. I did not attempt to list every challenge, just the primary ones. There are lots of challenges but I just want to focus on one major challenge that always occurs when an organization develops an information system, it is planning for change in a changing world. Change is a continuing presence in all forceful and successful businesses. The challenge lies in knowing what, where, and how to change – and what, where, and how not to – and proactively planning to make the business in the future even better than they are today.

A common challenge of information system planning is that they fail to spend enough time in the early stages of their planning processes providing the community with information about the changes and challenges that lies ahead and the consequences of failing to plan for them. This challenges still remains as a constant challenge because during the IS plan, developers mostly fail to put into action what is the real nature of the plan. Many of these instances are common since people tend to forgot to elaborate what are the possible consequences when the plan fails.

Because of such reason, during IS planning an accurate prediction of the course of events sometimes not even possible. That is, hesitation is not only everywhere and large, but also impossible to get rid of it by merely working hard to do so. So what do we do about this burden of uncertainty? In a phrase, we should get on with business – learning to plan in a way that includes the expectation of surprises and the need for adaptations.

Information system planning a long time ago was possible only because all design and development was centralized and during those times was acceptable preliminary part because budgets were ever increasing, schedules always falling and information was not yet part of the corporations’ critical edge. Well, today is different, really different. Budgets are decreasing, and slipped schedules are being cited as preventing business alternatives. Budgets are one of the major challenges in IS planning. In the business world even outside world, constant change always happens and so high budget demands and poor funds. This two causes the IS plan to fail, not always but sometimes.

Businesses face significant challenges addressing information security program requirements and establishing a comprehensive and integrated security program. Information security is critical to the confidentiality, integrity and availability of data, and to protect assets required to support the business. Lack of management oversight contributes to inefficient practices and weaknesses in electronic information and physical security. These factors can also be a major challenge during the IS plan.

Since information technology has become commonplace in organizations, the potential for wasting time and money on unwise choices has not diminished, but rather has increased. Since every program and every task can benefit from computers and related technology, need for new and improve system continual arise within the organization. If systems are designed and implemented without some kind of plan, an organization risks having systems that are incompatible, cannot share data, require different hardware, or otherwise less than best possible. In other words, a technology investment – whether a purchase of technology or the development of a new system – may be cost effective in relation to its original justification, but be wasteful when in the context of all the other programs of the organization. Thus, managers’ responsibility to make decisions about individual systems has been complicated by the need to ensure long-range compatibility and connectivity. Making sound decisions now requires looking at the technology of the organization as a whole, rather than program by program or task by task. An IS planning provides conceptual models for making decisions where wide and long-range compatibility is required.

Developing and sustaining a knowledgeable workforce is a significant challenge for most businesses and information system planning is just one initiative to address this critical issue. We recognize that we must have a properly trained workforce to analyze the complex details of information system and all information that needs extensive study.

Planning for a better future, for both current and future generations, is one of the most important and long-lasting functions of local businesses. It is very important, therefore, that it be undertaken for the right reasons and with the right attitudes. We live in a rapidly changing world in which the failure of the information system planning team to plan for and adapt to changing conditions can adversely affect our economy, our environment, and our social well-being – both within and beyond the organization. So, when we make changes on our information system plans, it is important that we do so with a great sense of responsibility to ourselves and to future generations – not just to fulfill legal obligations under state law or not just because our current plans may be “out of date.”

Planning without context is merely wishful thinking. Effective planning needs to take place with a conscious awareness not only of current conditions, but also of the changes and challenges that lie ahead. While we face serious, even frightening, challenges in the years ahead, we must face them with a spirit of optimism and determination to confront and address them effectively.

An important factor of a successful information system plan is the awareness of how important and relatively extraordinary they are. Given the major changes and challenges we will be facing in the coming years and decades, and the urgent need for us to begin addressing them as soon as possible, this next round of information systems plan may be the most important in our lifetimes. As a result, it is critical that they be done responsibly and well, because the opportunity to do them again may not occur for another decade.

To top it all, businesses develops information system plan to build a high performing organization. Since most businesses spent lots of funds on its information technology they established support and is making steps in developing an integrated business that produces satisfying and pleasing outcomes. To preserve or maintain financial and benefits payment information and produce reliable performance and workload data, the organization must sustain its commitment.

During these times, a few words that will still remain even if it is expounded in 2000 words is that every organizations in a business world either in a competition or not still needs information system plan for this can help in the pursue of the main reason why they land a business – high revenue.

hiphip huri..

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

me, myself and my office

MCPS- Mindanao Center for policy studies. When I first took steps here, it feels like I found a new home. (char..). it is already been a few months now serving the office. I have been a working student here maybe for many purposes. It’s either because I need to encourage myself to build and practice professionalism or because of a small reason- I am bored with my life.

It was a nice feeling when I know I was a big help in the office. I know they need me and I also know that I badly need them.

Building a career is not easy. MCPS help me think that I really need to strive harder for me to be able to finish whatever race I started.

Well, working is like walking in a two way street, a journey in search for the future and a journey in search for my inner capabilities and talents.

Thanks to MCPS. You have made me a well grown woman, an independent one.


Friday, December 5, 2008

two most frequently experienced causes of frustration in IS professionals and users while working on an IS plan?

What are the two most frequently experienced causes of frustration in IS professionals and users while working on an IS plan?

At first, I am still in the midst of finding my brain to help me shop for wonderful answers but unfortunately I cannot find one. I think I should rest, a kind of deep rest. Well, I know and I must know that I should keep on going.

As human we do have frustration or dissatisfaction, even vampires. When we fail, it keeps repeating because during the time of failure we also lose self esteem and self confidence. One of the best examples is that when we are having an exam and we study for all night but suddenly when the examination comes we don’t have any answers because the content of the exam are different form the one we have studied. Failure does not always have to be negative, it can also be a positive experienced if the procedures involved in the failure are analyzed and corrected. If one does something always right, there is no opportunity for learning. Failure gives opportunity for learning from previous mistake. When one does something right, only one confirms what is already known and how to do it. Learning takes place when a mistake is identified and it is corrected (Ackoff 1994). The idea is to take advantage of the failure and turn the negative feeling around by analyzing what went wrong and correcting it for future times.

But what if we are swimming on a broader sense? What if we are talking about those Information system professionals and users who are working on an Information system plan? As we all know, this kind of planning needs lots and series of research and serious study. Thus, if it is not successfully done, it will be one of the cause of frustrations of some IS professionals. It will be difficult for them to accept the fact that after all of their little feelings of distress and efforts their work will just be seen in the trash and not in the company.

But it is not actually the most frequently causes of frustrations but the minor one. Let us focus now on the frequent reactions of IS professionals while working on an IS plan. One of the things that make continuous efforts at the same time motivating and frustrating is what often seems to be a constant watercourse of problems. Strong skills in solving problem are essential to successful continuous improvement activities. Without which one will be doomed to solve the same problem repeatedly. Sometimes when life is playing with us, system failures can be the most frequent problem. It happens when a system does not meet its requirements. It is like a bullet in gun failing to designate its target.

Let us just put ourselves in the situation as an IT student having a laboratory exam in JAVA or any programming subjects. We are in the middle of making our program work and then all of a sudden (sometimes expected in our own Laboratory room) the computer shuts down. What will we feel? We are not just frustrated but we want to kill whoever person we saw, right? We know that we need to start over again but we are already running out of time. We always said “it is really the end of my IT life. Wala nako’y future ani. Huhuhuhu.” It is just like ending our life at the very exact moment because we already know what will be the outcome of the said exam.

The same scenario or problems also happens in IS professionals while working on an IS plan. Since they are always facing technologies they are always prone to system failures or even system breakdown.

In the business world, failures can be looked as opportunities to improve the process that contribute to business objectives and since information systems play a very important role in the daily operations of most businesses hence the development of such systems has become very important. It is known that project managers are guided throughout the development and successful completion of the projects. But still there are still many failures in IS projects.

One of the two common causes of frustrations is the project management failure itself. This is a common fact and even more complex in most companies. The common reasons behind these failures are poorly trained or inexperienced project managers who fails to set and manage expectations, poor leadership at any and all levels, failure to adequately identify, poor plans and planning processes or misalignment between the project plan and the business or other organization it serves and poor communication. Since the great deal of responsibility lies on project managers, they need to focus their interpersonal skills to get people accomplish their work. That is why we need to learn from our own mistake and the importance of learning about project failure so that we won’t repeat the same mistake in the future. Project manager is like a bridge that links key pieces together. And in order to reach pieces effectively he needs to have a balance of soft skills and technical knowledge.

But these sources of failures can be lessened. The most common practice is by having the project planned in totally different environment and trained those people with little or no specific knowledge in project planning. To top it all, the task of analysis and design must be carried out attentively. The team should be able to spot the weaknesses in a timely manner through the use of appropriate project management tools.

We need not to be affected with any kind of causes we will encounter that will just make us frustrated. As professional, we should act like one. Although during the time of making an IS plan it has still remain largely touched by crisis and failures. In the face of these problems, there has been always some distinguished technological or physical initiative.

Be strong and always be strong for it is the best approach for meeting the environmental challenges that lie ahead.

relationship between IS plan and business plan...

What should be the nature of the relationship between the business plan and the IS plan?

What is really the nature between these two types of planning? We often identify their relationship for they both relates to businesses. Business plan and information systems plan are both decision making tools. They are quite related because they have the same purpose in which they prepare the business through planning to set out a convincing way to secure financing, internal or external or for the start-up or expansion of a business scheme. It has a goal which is to deliver the most valuable business information at the earliest time possible in the most cost effective manner.

But before I can put in plain words the nature of the relationship between the business plans and IS plan, I must first define what does these both means. Business plan as we all know is a formal statement or set of business goals, the reasons why they are believed attainable, and the plan reaching these goals. It may also contain background information about the organization or team attempting to reach these goals. The business goals being attempted may be for profit which typically focuses on financial goals or non-profit which tend to focus service goals or focuses on maximizing profit. Business plans may also target changes in perception and branding the customer, client, tax payer, or larger community. Business plan may be internally focused which target immediate goals required to reach the peripheral goals and external focused which targets goals that are important to external stakeholders, particularly external stakeholders. Having a formal, written business plan is so accepted as being crucial to success that there haven't been many studies or surveys to test this principle. If business plans were such a wonderful thing, there would be a significant and conclusive difference between businesses that have them and those that don't. Simply stated, business plan is a plan that sets out the future strategy and financial development of a business, usually covering a period of several years.

Information system plan on the other hand determines the sequence for implementing specific information systems. This kind of plan focuses on not only one information system but the entire suite of information systems for the enterprise. In lay mans term, information system plan is the end product of the information system project.

The nature relationship of the both plan is that without which there can be no exact view of the future plan of the company or shall we say it can give a hard time analyzing, solving or maybe in creating best plans for the company’s future.

Since business plan is one of the most important document of a company it is most frequently used by the managers and executives for internal planning. For a newly established business enterprise, the process of preparing a business plan serves a road map to the future by making entrepreneurs and the business owners itself think through their strategies. It can help in evaluating the basic business concepts; recognize the business limitations to avoid variety of mistakes. Thus, business plan serve as a blueprint or a guide in information systems planning.

The relationship between the two is that when the company is developing an information system plan which sometimes involves the whole organization, all members of the staff look at the overall organization to anticipate problems. This is where business plan completes the information system plan using the list of information systems needed, and many documents must be reviewed in which all the files are already been stated in the business plan. There are virtually no resources to help us set up what today’s business environment really demands. Since we are now living in a world where technologies are fast changing and the needs not just for good government services but also for better living would also continue to grow. But the sad part of it is that when the technology increases the need for new resources also increases but the availability of such resources decreases due to economic crisis. That is why effective use of information technology was viewed as a major approach that could assist government and companies in managing this change. It was also understood that well defined business planning and information system planning processes were critical success factor. That is why many companies particularly those large ones has developed a complete and inclusive technology planning procedure to boost technology project launch and approval. That is also the main reason why a continuous and ongoing planning system is really a must.

IS plan is an allied of business plan for when planning an information system, the staff under the planning team will review the strategic business plan for the company, including the statement of mission, goals, objectives and priorities that set business direction. They will ensure that the company information technology strategy is carried out and that the projects are appropriately targeted to support specific business strategies and ensures that the authorized projects are in line with business needs and direction. A common accepted theory is that for a business to survive and prosper it must be flexible and nimble. It is just like applying linear thinking to a non linear situation.

Writing a business plan without a planning system in place is a massive effort that is done very rarely. Many or mostly businesses write three to five year plan and update them annually. If a continual, ongoing process is in place, a written plan is not just important. Setting up an information system plan allows and sometimes forces the company to focus on strategy. But as we all see and as what I hear from those people living in a corporate world that a significant percentage of successful businesses don’t have written business plans. As professor Albert Shapero said, “Companies that plan do better than companies that don’t, but they never follow their plan.”

To sum it all up, information system plan is somehow connected to business plan in the development of the companies’ future success. Without which there will be possibilities that they can’t meet what the people needs for these two types of plan must work hand in hand. AJA…


Friday, November 28, 2008

My sweetest downfall…

Last night I was thinking if I really have the skills to be a so called IT professional and if I were given a chance to be one what I can contribute. It makes me sick thinking about it. I spent four years of my life or even five years to be exact in the school to study information technology. It made me upset because until now I am still a little bit confuse if I have the chance to work as an IT professional. Every time people ask me if there is a future waiting for me after the five years of great efforts, hard workings, nose bleedings and bloody attempts to pass. I don’t know how to answer back for I am still in the process of meditating where will I go. I am still hesitant to accept the fact that destiny and reality can also take part in putting my self behind the line. I am still in the route of thinking whether I will be joining the line of competition or just give my self up. That is why if people around me keep on telling that I better stop and end this foolishness, they doesn’t realize that those words makes me more weaker and weaker. That is why since my first year in college, I am already losing my way in the track of life. That is why it makes me difficult to realize that I am already the one who keeps on putting my self down. The fact brought me on the wrong side of the law for I keep on blaming the persons evolving around me in making me lose control. But when the time comes that I already realize everything it is also the time when life seems too unfair to me.

I hate the fact that I am only getting half of the encouragement and words if wisdom I need both from my mom and dad. I can not accept the fact that even my parents are doing these things to me. They make me feel that I am the most worthless individual living in this world. They are against into the career I have chosen and maybe that is the reason why they keep on discouraging me. But I need not to be affected. I can make them proud of me. I will not let anyone stops me from achieving everything I want to be. I pity them for making me believe that there will be a difficult life waiting for me in my way to the top. But as time keep on passing, I am now become conscious to the fact that maybe my parents are right. There was a time when I feel I really need to end my foolishness.

It was just last night when I am totally won over that I was such a useless person. I am no use, and I am a loser. I should have been inspired to what our national hero Dr. Jose Rizal has said about me being one of the world’s future saviors. Well, in the idea of being the superwoman or Spiderwoman, the world’s greatest savior, I need to have a super power like those super heroes in our old time in order for me to save the world. I do not need to go to school to study and wait for so many years before I can contribute something. These thoughts of being one of them strike me a hundred times. I am not really a superhero. I do not have these super powers. I can not transform into someone who will be their knight in shining armor. There is nothing special in me. What Dr. Rizal trying to point out was my ability to do something in my own way. And the only power that I have is the knowledge.

Way back my first years in this college, I just keep on watching my classmates shifting to another course or transferring to another schools. I knew I can’t help them. Maybe they were just weak. But, this scheme and the reality struck me. Many of my co-students who were enrolled IT surrendered by now. Most of them were my friends. I thought of quitting so many times. Perhaps, I need to do what they did. I felt that I do not belong in this institution. It is giving me no air to the point that it makes me hard to breathe. It makes me feel to give up. And like them, it also makes me pathetic.

I never thought that I could go this far. I was already fed up. I have this feeling that I was on a dead end and there is no turning back. What else can I do? It was then I realize that I made a pledge that I won’t let anyone stop me from moving forward. Proceeding is the least option and the last thing on my mind. But here I am, alive and still surviving.

Kidding aside, I still have this dream of working in a place where I can make use of my bachelors’ degree and I know I can do it. Maybe I just need more time to carry it out. How much time do I need to have? I must be kidding my self. They say that a dream without a deadline is a goal. I should be making plans now. But where would I start? I have to accomplish it ten years from now. I have to plan now. I remember last time when I have my report in one of our subjects. I am task to put into details every article that is related to strategic planning. From there I learned that it is a process into which a person tries to answer questions about the future.
So, I asked God for a pause before I proceed. I need to rest my mind and my heart form worrying. I am living a life full of ups and down. Why is it that I need to stand up when I am down and I need to stand up straight again after I am losing my sense and good judgment from falling. I need to take a rest and continue deciding tomorrow.

………… ……………… zzzzzzzz ………… ………… ………… zzzzzzz …… …. zzzzz…… zzzz ….. zzzzz …….. zzzzzzzz ……… zzzzzzzzzzz

At this time, I just get up from my bed. I am done thinking. I have now lots of ideas coming from my mind. It is just a one way process. Perhaps, I should start deciding whether I should take the straight way or go walk on a highway full of detours. If I will walk on a straight way, it is like going to the world with my dreams still remain as a dream. Living forever in a paradise earth is not just a dream. It is our loving creator purpose and what we need to do is just realize it. If I will do some detours it is like I am in the world with the reality, a world where I am making new plans in order for me to make the reality come true. I want to be name as an IT professional. Everybody does. Most failures start from plan failures. This point cannot too often be repeated. Some of would only realize if they had done a biggest mistake is when failure come. Planning for good future seems more likely to survive and prosper if people enter them with relatively full knowledge. Yes, getting to know our inner selves is essential. We need to know our strength and weaknesses and what should be the possible threats we need to face. Yes, drawing up the intentions of the heart of our own self takes effort and discernment. So we must plan a better approach or a line of attack to help us see our inner self.

Day to day of my life, I maybe confronted with terrible experiences, like; act of unkindness, criticism deceit, disloyalty, nastiness and spitefulness…cost against these realities, how would I stand and shape my future. With the many years I spend in this university is more than enough for me to sort it out what to have, so I will become victorious. As I go into the real world, I must always remember the lessons and knowledge and the value that were installed by my professors, the kind of knowledge that would help me in shaping my future in line of business.

And when the moment in time comes that God will not forbid me from being called as an IT professional, I must have a purpose in life. If I have no goal to live, I will find that life is empty. Being an IT professional is like changing to another paradigm, a broader horizon of challenges to test the strength of my desire to pursue higher objective in life. I have to aim high and be confident and have self-reliance in doing it, and couple it with interest and strong determination. In the world of an IT professional, I will be entering into another world of problems, but it is also a world of many challenges and opportunities that makes life worth living.

One of the best ways to win any game is to write the rules. And it should be done one step at a time. Before going to the place where I can put into practice the degree I have, I should know the basics. Basics not in terms of knowledge I did learn from school but in terms of professionalism. I should learn how to be responsible for anything I am planning to do. Peoples have different ways of making decisions. Some delays making a decision in the hope that the situation will resolve itself. But as to become a professional, I should also learn to consider and allow the views and opinions of others before making a decision. On the other hand, since I am still in the process of blooming and boosting my professionalism in the pursue of my career I should look at a decision that must be made, considering the options, choosing a plan of action, and taking responsibility for whatever the outcome. Making decision gives me a greater degree of control over the problem situation being addressed.
I need to know as early as now that in a real scenario making plans and decisions are not just like as if you are flipping a coin, playing a deck of cards that there will just two possible outcomes, either failure or success. If that what life is, it is a no sweat process and there can be no complexities.

Imagining my self in a place where I can practice my skills in information technology, I would rather not breathe for I know that I can’t easily turn back. I should learn how to be professional for in that kind of profession there are always no rooms for mistakes. I am expected to act in the course of the work according to certain rules of conduct and standard of behavior. I will be required to have power over a large body of knowledge from my extensive academic study during my school days specifically my college years. That is why as early as now I am in the process of improving my personality. I know that it will be a hard part for me for I need to have a power to be a cultured human. I usually let my heart rule my mind and that makes me more fragile. But I must change my insights in life. I must not let my heart rule my mind. In narrower sense, I need to be strong.

I have to train my self with the aim of bettering my performance as an individual not just in the field of my expertise but also in the course of life. I also need to enhance my self-consciousness practicality and freedom of expression that will serve as an aid in my independent learning. I am ought not to limit my self in learning.
Removing distractions and improving concentrations can also be one of the most important things I need to enhance. Having the aura of being a cheerful person, I am the one who ought to bring the crowd a joyful atmosphere. Even I am sometimes (defensive???) fanatical or foolish I can never lose control when it comes to learning. Learning is a process you do, not a process that is done to you. Education is an increasingly influential factor in employment. It is a lifelong process. It needs full time attention.

So before going to the place where I can be called as an IT professional, I would rather risk everything I have in order for me to attain what is needed to reach. Go power. Hehehe… Very directly, the need for a purposive transformation is a must for it will be the start to the development of one self.

This is the time of my life that I start to assume adult responsibilities. This is just the beginning to a serious employment and hard work with dedication in order to reach the goal of success. There are countless factors that make one successful, but I feel certain that I have been trained and prepared with the knowledge and skills necessary for involvement in the quest for better life.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

That was fast.

That was fast. Though majority of the reporter are guys... well... I still can’t concentrate with the reports for the reason that I am freezing…Kusog au ang aircon. Huhuhuhu…but…hmmm…naa japon ku nasabtan ui..gamay...
"a dream without a deadline is……" ..ahmmmm….never mind..hehehe…

The reporters talks about the issue on having problems when planning information systems. (char) I now understand the reason why our teacher keeps on telling us that we MUST plan our future with the best we can. It is because if we made a single mistake, it affects everything..

Monday, November 24, 2008

living life to what it defines

Yesterday I live life to what it defines. I enjoy every minute by all means – heartaches, failures, happiness, friendship and love. Yesterday I was such a useless person. Well, I think I am. Sometimes I keep on thinking that I have all the time to do what I want so I tend to waste it. Yes, I dream for I am human. I dream big. I want to be in the top. But what hurts is the fact that I am not doing everything for me to get there. Maybe I dream to fail. I live to fail. But that was yesterday. Today is little bit different. I realized today that life is short, that I need to value every moment of it. I need to change my life for good because I don’t want to wait for the time to come that I will regret what I have been doing now. I don’t need to wait for someone to appreciate me before I will have the confidence to go on for the only person who knows I had truly done the best and who is thoroughly qualified to judge my performance is definitely me.

Thanks to the words I heard this morning. It sure helps in making me realize that the future is dependant to what I’ve been doing today. Planning is not enough; it must be in accord to doing something. As to what Jose Rizal said, the future and our future depend on us.

Dream big friends..

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

where would I be??

They say I am born being too ambitious. I always have a strong desire to be successful in life. I have feelings that someday I will become what I wanted to be. The secret I learned form my father was that in the end I will be measured not by how much I accept but by what I accomplish.

Year by year I become better equipped to accomplish the things I strive for. But what I am actually striving for? Five years from now? Where would I be? Soon after, I will be dealing with these questions. What shall I do with the rest of my life? Is there a future waiting for me after this course I take? Is there future waiting for me after spending almost five years in this institute?

Students are united by one common interest, to finish school and to be a part in the so-called business world. Like others, I also dream of improving my monetary lot in life. All my life, I constantly visualize my self of having someone to call mine, something that I could be proud of. This helps me to be confident and had the urge to be accepted by the people around me. Every so often, I’m visualizing mentally where I want to go and what I want to be when the time comes that going to college will come to an end.

When I was little, the only thing I only want is to make my parents proud at me in a way that I can repay all the efforts they exerted for sending me to school. But as time passes by, I realized that it’s not really what I wanted. College makes me realize that training and experience will give me a real edge in finding employment. Being an IT student, it helps me open my mind into some clearer vision. I can see the whole picture of my dream life many years from now. I am now craving to work in a world where I can practice my degree. Being one of the largest companies in the world, I have wanted to work in Microsoft Corporation where I can develop computer software. With the assistance of the staffs, I want to create new programming languages for software developers and a set of applications for personal computers.
And now, I am on my way into making this visualization become a reality.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Is it true?

A university degree no longer guarantees success in the job market. Is it really a fact? Sooner or later I will be dealing with this challenging question. What shall I do with the rest of my life? Is there a future waiting for me after this course I take? I feel like the youth who said: “What I consider to be successful is maintaining the comfort level that I grew up with.”

Like others, I also dream of improving my financial lot in life, to be able to pay back the career that my parents and family gave me through education in order for me to achieve a real fulfillment. But is there more to success than material gain? To attain so-called success, career climber must often compete with one another in a life-and-death struggle for recognition. Nevertheless, is a college degree always worth the huge commitment of time and money it demands? Researches indicate that college degree earn higher salaries and suffer less unemployment than high school graduates.

Nowadays, the demand of call center agents (as an example) with at least has the skills in oral communication is increasing. As a result, a college degree holder is just a plus factor because this kind of job is not usually requiring a degree for as long as you are good in verbal communication and willing to take shifts. In view of these facts, the quantity of university graduates employed in line with the chosen field declined.

Because of this, many youths have decided against a university education. Many have found that training and experiences has given them a real edge in finding employment. Though not possessing a university degree, such youths learn to be poised at expressing themselves and quite capable of handling responsibility. Many youths disdain working in their hands, but the Bible dignifies doing hard work.
Employment prospects and educational systems vary form place to place. Youths have different abilities. And while a career in the business world is recommended as being advantageous, it is still a matter of personal choice.
Choose your career carefully and prayerfully, so that it not only will bring personal happiness but will enable you to store up treasures in heaven.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

To the understanding one knowledge is an easy thing

A youth who manages to get passing grades through guessing, cramming or even cheating never really learns how to think. School grades are a major source of anxiety. It can mean the difference between graduating and being left behind, between acquiring a well-paying job and getting only a minimum wage. Test results can reveal areas of strength and weakness of individual students and act as an encouraging device for study. In addition, education means more than racking up points on tests. It means developing a persons thinking ability. It is thus important that you view grades, not as a helpful means of gauging progress at school.
I, as a student sometimes blame my poor performances and failing grades on sources beyond my control, unfair test questions, and prejudiced teacher. Laziness may often be the real reason for my low grades. Good students, however, take responsibility for their learning. Personal motivation helps you keep going. I must put myself on a schedule and organize my time. Yes, how good my grades are depends for the most part, not on factors beyond my control, but on ME – how hard I am willing to study and apply myself in school.
But, this is what some students might claim, including me as well. They sincerely feel they are already working themselves to the bone but not getting any results. Perhaps, you are not studying as hard as you think, and some changes would be in order.
Failing a test especially after studying hard to pass it can devastate my self respect. But educator Max Rafferty reminds us: “As long as we live, we’re graded on what we know, how well we get results. A school that kids the kids into thinking that life are going to be all Roman candles is not a school, it’s a dream factory.” The shame of failing a test may well be worth it if it urges us to learn from our mistakes and improve.
Facts begin to mean something to you, knowledge grows into understanding. “To the understanding one knowledge is an easy thing.” – Proverbs 14:6. As important grades are, they are not the final judgment on your worth as a person. However, take advantage of the time you are in school, and learn as much as you can.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Identifying at least one institution that has best possible information environment in which that said organization applies management information systems and information technology efficiently and competently. Institutions that have more expertise in improving their establishment better than any other agencies can. The aim of information environment is to help provide convenient access to resources for learning through the use of resource discovery and resource management tools and development of better service and practice.

Well, it will be a difficult and complicated thing to just think of a simple and diminutive corporation. It will take time and it will not be easy. But the idea of an ordinary information environment is helping me to begin.

When you think of an information environment, the first thing that would come to our mind is those big ones. Setting aside such high prerequisites in identifying an information environment, let us put an emphasis on small companies that has terrible information environment and envision there self to be the top company that offers not just the best but the perfect. Let us start with small ones for big things starts with small things.

The rapid growth and development of electronics that is ready to accept something or to make do with something rather than taking further action or making more demands offers massive and growing possibility for all the people living this earth.

MyndTech Management Services is a company of people engaged in the culture of software development, a costumer service oriented and competitive company in the Philippines committed to product innovation, service excellence, and social responsiveness. MyndTech Management Services offer software development which is of good quality but with affordable prices for the development their clients.
Since Mynd Consulting offers services that will help their clients to save time and money. They are design to work to develop the best outsourcing strategy of a company, no matter how large or small. Like any things, it is already in nature that every Information Technology professional has responsibility that they will render services that will help the organization in their everyday business jobs to be easier and hassle free. Being an IT student and soon to be specializing my expertise somewhere in the middle of IT businesses, it will be my aim to help to strengthen the organization to construct a widespread information environment.

I have to do the part of making the most of the full significance of the high quality information that already exist in the company to make it more grow with the intention that it will suit each individual’s particular needs especially the clients. I will continue to improve the management and serving of quality information for the reason that it will be a huge potential to enhance the creation of knowledge. Since I am already a part of the environment, I am task to work for better ways to manage records or databases containing fixed data. It will be a major challenge for me especially when it comes to determining the extent to which information access systems can be made easy for people outside work to understand it and how to use it. Because as Information Technology professional, it is my work to further understand the human thought course of action.

Actually, there are numbers of ways in how should I play my roles in the information environment especially on my choice of company which is MyndTech Management Services. You just have to think of it as if you are thinking of eating a desert food even if you’re stomach is already full. You will find ways in order for you to eat that desert food and to ease the longing of that food even though you can’t take it anymore. Sometimes we always cross the bridge when we get there. But in a real world of businesses you will have to think of a possible way to play the role of being in the environment before it will happen.

The development of a business or in an information environment is accompanied by the staffs who keep on making things happen. I, as an IT professional, hope so; have to keep good records of employees. Without them, an organization wouldn’t be made possible. They are the one who steps to the stepping stone of a success. But they can be a stumbling block if they are not trained well.

IT leader needs to be positioned with other leaders and staffs inside the institutions who are making strategic decisions and that the internal IT structure needs to be a role-based mixture of central and non-central components. Understanding the mission of the organization and actively used change-management techniques is also considered as a part of the role I must play in actual information environment.

Therefore, it is also my role of guiding and making every staff a workforce of improved, organized and well educated worker. They need to understand what would there roles be in making things happen. Understanding each of the staff helps business understands and meets new obligations including the process of developing the organization. It means balancing an individual’s right to the privacy of personal information with the need of the organizations to use that information into business purposes.

Never cease learning, for it is the only key to a thing called success. Never limit yourself in small things. Let’s not go for a dip in small things rather let us swims to a sea full of knowledge in order for us to gain more thoughts. ‘makipagsabayan tayo sa takbo ng panahon. Ang hinay dali mabiyaan.’

Since technology is growing continually, there are already various information resources and principles of information organization and representation that can be used to support and to help me in preparing these responsibility in my field of work. Some business or enterprise modeling approaches are determined to reflect corporate goals into business process models by extensively using object oriented principles. Then they emphasize the object oriented principles’ potential in the strategic orientation of information systems and technology in an information environment. These kinds of representation or principles will help me in performing my role in the information environment.

Standardization and networking provide infrastructures are one of the basic principles I need to consider. Infrastructures refers to the availability and use of advanced information services by means of a variety of high-capacity facilities especially computers and computers networks. In relation to the adopted information environment, having such upgraded infrastructure will help improve and provide abundant information at high capacities to the generic public. Internet is one of the examples that best exemplifies these entire concepts.

Other principles are designing tools to support the organization of knowledge; guiding principles must be that of user orientation and main usage. One of the services that Mynd Consulting offers to their clients is widget development. After developing widgets, they are passed to our web designers and, then, they undergo testing. This process is done to ensure that the products that they will give to their clients are of the highest quality. In relation to this, the support of the designing tools is a big help in order for Mynd Consulting achieve high quality product designs for their clients. Other services of Mynd Consulting are web design in which it is the process of creating and manipulating the different elements of a website into a unified and pleasing work of art. This the time when such basics principles mention above support the company and the IT expert in performing her roles. They will coordinate with you to arrive at the look that you would like to achieve.

The needs of the community for information or documents is a representation that it can take part in helping me as an IT professional in performing for better things to more improve the information environment. Since MyndTech offers services related to the World Wide Web or by the use of the internet, and since we are now revolving in a world where technology is mostly the one who takes part in our everyday lives and the demand of the services such as the Mynd Consulting offers is a big contribution not just in performing its role in the information environment but in the real word of business concerning big profits.

In the field of business, there are many instances that the organization will turn upside down. There are lots of possibilities that an institution will face trials especially in managing its information environment. The rapid growth of technology is one of the possible causes of some technological and economic failure for the reason that the staff cannot manage well and work well because they are struck with the truth that they need to compete with other fast growing companies in the pursue of better management of technology and economic issues regarding the needs and wants of the client.

As a human, we are created to encounter and be aware of the trials and tribulations not just in life but in the real humanity of our existence and we are legally responsible to deal with it. In the area of information environment, problem arises every now and then especially in performing my role in making my information environment to be in top of every thing. How will I address such issues? Well, it is a matter of life and death, I think.

Considering the fact that I am not really one of the best and top IT graduates in the country, and to think that I cannot consider myself the best in the field of Information technology. Adjusting will be one of the common hindrances, I suppose, in performing such role. Adjusting with the environment especially when trial comes. When I am just thinking of a solution that solves the problems, it makes me panicky, tense and crazy.

But because I am born with self confidence and faith in a lot of things, maybe I can still manage to adjust and still set my eyes on the goal. And since USeP graduate are globally competitive and morally upright, I have to keep on believing that I can make the company’s information environment more globally competitive than I am.

In relation to MyndTech Management Services information environment, having a small population of staffs and a wide variety of employment to its clients, an extensive knowledge and skills is actually a big factor in achieving the goal but it will also be one cited problem in making my roles in the environment an excellent one. Experience is not totally a question because it can be learned. But the lack of awareness and proficiency in handling an institution can harm the designed and planned business development.

Fund is also a challenge, actually, it is a big challenge adds the fact that my chosen information environment has services such as outsourcing and they engaged in the culture of software development. Being an IT expert, I must find ways to determine how to fund this essential IT effort. First, I need to determine how much is currently allocated to this kind of IT activities. Well, I know the amount is usually much more than anticipated. Together with the other staff, we need to determine how best to use this ongoing investment to support the IT plans and the institutional mission.

One of the few issues that will challenge me in performing my role is to consider how best to manage change in the organization as it moves to a new organizational and work paradigm. Well, when you together with the other personnel have been together for so long, it will be easy to cope up and manage with the fast changes in the organization. We can make little adjustments that we feel very comfortable in but we feel good in. I think that is the most important for us individually as people not just an employee to feel positive and energized.

And the last one but not the least I think, is the issue concerning the communication both within and beyond IT organization. As an IT leader, I need to widen my ears in the problems and needs of the people working around me. Always keep the bond, since communication is essential but seldom adequate.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Myndtech…pag-asa ng bayan…our last chance or last option I think. First visit, second, third, fourth, fifth and there is still no improvement. “Pde balik na lng mo kay klngan pa mna gud I approve ni maam myrna.” Paitah...unsaon nlng ni, 3rd consultation na, la pa jud ta ka gather ug information.
It is just one of the frequent problems that our group encounters every time we visit our adopted company. Although we are in their office many times already, I am still in the adjusting period. You may wonder why. Well, I’m just thinking too much. Maybe because I always think that our group is always a distress to them or perhaps we are such an interruption in their busy days. Add the fact that every time we enter their office, we are going to pass in a place where there employees are working before we reach the table of the secretary. I am known for being physically powerful or “baga ug nawong” in bisaya. But when I come in their workplace, all I can say is ”gosh…can I shy?” It’s such a shame but I’m leaving. Char lng. Dli jud pwede mo leave ng basta-basta na lng. Dapat go..go..go…I’m bettyfull…one more consultation to go…I just hope that our company will cooperate. He he. ..

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

You’re always be beautiful in my eyes

When I look up, gaze the stars in the sky
I was amazed I have seen the twinkle in your eyes
But I wonder why your tears flew out like heaven cries,
I’m sure someone broke your heart because her love lies

To show how much I care for you
I’ll do anything, this I promise you
Finding myself imagining of you sometimes,
Bit you’re assured with no falseness of mind

With you I’ve learned to write these lines,
With words my heart could I have defined
You will have what you want without delay
Because I’m always here, ready to obey.

No matter how hard to get, no matter how it hurts
I’ll present everything to stop your falling tears
But the heartbreak seems to drag you into loneliness
So I ask god how to ease your sadness

The air blows it’s freshness to warm your senses
And I’ll try to wipe your tears by writing lovely verses
I wish to hold your hands to offer my mild caress,
And sing a joyful song to bring back your happiness

Friday, September 19, 2008

i would choose...in-sourcing....

When we are referring to big businesses, outsourcing is more illustrious. It is because it improves the quality through contracting out the service with a new service level agreement. They have an access to operational best practice that would be too difficult or time consuming to develop in-house. When big companies outsource their information systems they will have an access to a larger talent pool and a sustainable source of skills. Outsourcing is subcontracting a process. It involves the transfer of the management or day-to-day execution of an entire business function to an external service provider.

But, outsourcing the information systems function is one of the biggest possible decisions to be made by a school, especially USeP. When we outsource, it also means that we are withdrawing the business function involving the transfer of people and the sale of resources to a provider because we are hiring somebody else to do all or part of the work instead of the person or a company originally hired.

The main business criticism of outsourcing is that it fails to realize the value of the business that the outsourcer promised the client. Because we are a school and we are keeping important records of the students, it is better when we will just keep our Information system in-house. When we in-source we can maintain the control of critical production or competencies.

There is no need for outsourcing the information system because USeP has staff and lots, I think, of human resources that can be considered as an expert in the field of creating information system and things like making databases. We have staffs that are brilliant enough to provide the needs of the school. We can always develop the information system function by improving the ideas we can acquire outside the organization. Although outsourcing offers a lot more, the school can minimize the cost if they will hire people inside the organization and we can make sure that our own concept and design are out of harm's way and protected.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

pursue love..stop immaturity..

Love suffers long and is kind, love does not envy; love does not parade itself, it is not puffed up. Does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth. Bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, and endures all things. Love never fails. But whether there are prophecies, they will fail; whether there are tongues, they will cease; whether there is knowledge, it will vanish away. For we know in part and we prophecy in part. But when that which is perfect has come, then that this is in part will be done away. When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I though as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things. For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part, but then I shall know just as I also am known. And now abide faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love.
1 Corinthians 13:1-13

The mass has ended. Wew..grabeh..It felt so right..
Humanity… Immaturity…Maturity…
Love…Faith... Hope…
It was a nice gospel…burag naigo jud ko gamay..

It tells us that without love we are nothing. Although we have understand all the mysteries and knowledge and have all the faith but we don’t have love, we are still nothing. We are not human if we don’t care and respect each other.
Sometimes we are immature. Immaturity makes us egocentric. We become inconsiderate to what will others think and feel. We are not human if we won’t set aside all our childish things and not love.
There is no I. I, who think of himself, for the love of Jesus compels us..
Pursue love..

make a connection...

undefined meaning

You came into me unexpectedly
Now you’re the reason being me
You treated me more than a friend
You say your love never ends

You always makes me smile and happy
Your name is in my heart and memory
I hope inside your heart I could see
So I would know what you really feel for me

Happiness and inspiration are worth giving
That’s what love is bringing
Can’t explain its real feeling
Loves undefined meaning

Magical and full of mystery
In the end there is always misery
Love is so powerful
Yet very painful

My love for you I don’t regret
But now heartache is all I get
Goodbye but thank you is all I can say
I hope you’ll remember me someday

composed by a close friend of mine whom I cared a lot.
akong frnd..gwapa na..hawud pa..

Monday, September 15, 2008

The power of smile

Never fail to appreciate the power of smile. At one time, I was very mad while walking down the corridor when suddenly I was bumped by someone whom who made me more mad as hell. I was about to shout at him and gave him a very angry look when suddenly he say sorry with such a big and attractive smile plus the factor that he was actually a good looking man. I realized then that when that happens it doesn’t matter if I was hurt and very mad. What mattered most was the fact that there he was standing in front of me and with all the broad smile ease all those anger. Never underestimate the power of smile. A smile is one of the most powerful tools of human behavior.

“A smile costs nothing but gives much,” someone once wrote. “It enriches those who receive without making poorer those who give. It takes but a moment, but memory of it sometimes last forever. None is so rich or mighty that he cannot get along without it and none is so poor that he cannot be made rich by it. Yet a smile cannot be bought, begged, borrowed, or stolen, for it is something that is of no value to anyone until it is given away. Some people are too tired to give you a smile. Give them one of yours, as none needs a smile as much as he who has more to give.” “Smile and others will smile back. Smile to show how transparent and how candid you are. Smile if you have nothing to say or your total indifference to others. Let this emptiness, this profound indifference shine out spontaneously in your smile.”
But more often than that, people stop smiling. It seems that they are carrying the whole problem of the world. There are lots of reasons but those reasons are not enough to let yourself not to smile. One poet says, “If at times you feel you want to cry and life seems such a trial. Above the clouds there’s a bright blue sky, so make your tears a smile. As you travel on life’s way with its many ups and downs, remember its quite true to say one smile is worth a dozen frowns. Among the world’s expensive things, a smile is very cheap. And when you give a smile away, you get one back to keep. Happiness comes at times to all but sadness comes unbidden and sometimes a few tears must fall among the laughter hidden. So when friends have sadness on their face and troubles round them piled, the world will seem a better place and all because you smiled.”

Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all days.
A poet puts it more briefly. “Smiling is infectious; you can catch it like flu.”
Someone smiled at me today and I started smiling too.